May 29, 2004


What a difference a day can make. Yesterday it was warm and sticky; today it's cool and breezy, not to mention less humid. I did 10 miles on the bike path around noon. It took me a while to warm up, but overall I had a good run.

Since I'm going to Charlottesville tomorrow, I'm switching my long run to Monday. That will be nice. I'll sleep in, have a bite to eat, and run 15 or 16 miles.

May 28, 2004

The Long Weekend

I'm looking forward to having a nice, relaxing three-day weekend. I'm going to get some rest, go on a little trip, cook out, and of course, run.

Yesterday's running went well. I ran 7 miles before work, and then another 3 over to the softball field after work with some co-workers. Running in DC, with all the stopping and starting we had to do yesterday, is not my favorite thing to do, but it was nice to run with some other people instead of by myself.

Softball, on the other hand, did not go so well. We lost. I'm not sure exactly what the final score was, but I know it was worse than last week. I think it was something like 18-8. We just didn't play the way we did last week.

I was up late last night, so I didn't run in the morning. I'll get my run in when I get home from work.

I'm taking a trip Sunday to Charlottesville, VA. I've been there before to visit some of my wife's friends who went to UVA. My mother-in-law wants to surprise my father-in-law with a trip there this summer, so my wife, sisters-in-law, and I are going to scout things out. It should be fun.

May 27, 2004


I ran 8 miles after work last night, plus some strides. It was cloudy and looked like rain, but it held off until after my run. The clouds actually kept the temperature down, so it wasn't quite as hot as it has been. I'm looking forward to this weekend, when it's only supposed to be in the 70s.

My wife coaches lacrosse and then tutors on Wednesday night, so we end up having a late dinner. We were going to have chicken, rice, and broccoli, but that didn't work out. She wanted to prepare what she could in advance, but she had to pick her sister up from school because she was sick and she didn't get a chance. She was so stressed because she didn't get stuff done that she didn't want to cook after tutoring, so we just ordered pizza. At that point, I really didn't care what we ate for dinner I was so hungry.

I did 7 miles this morning before work, and I may get in a few more after work with some coworkers. We also have a softball game tonight, but there's some time between when I get off work and game time. My coworkers ran before the game last week and I'm assuming they're going to run this week as well. This is all dependent on us actually having the game, of course, which is kind of up in the air. There's still a chance of rain this afternoon, and we play on the mall, which a lot of is taken up by preparation for the dedication of the WWII memorial this weekend.

I'm not looking forward to the rest of work today. We're in the pilot phase of testing a system for ordering printing online, and I have to go visit the agency that's testing the system today. The system's non-user-friendliness and the inability of the agency to write correct specifications in the first place does not make for much fun.

May 26, 2004

Rain Rain Go Away

I really wish this weather would improve. I tried to get a workout in yesterday afternoon when I got home from work, but I only made it a little less than halfway before the storm came. The plan was to warm up and then do 10x2 min on, 2 min off at the soccer fields near my house. I did four before I stopped due to the lightning and thunder and then pouring rain. What I did get done went pretty well, but I was a little tired. I could have tried to do this workout before instead of after work, but I'm more warmed up after work and so I run faster.

It didn't help that I got home from work about 45 minutes later than I wanted to. There was an accident in the HOV lanes that backed traffic up for a few miles. The HOV lanes work well for the most part, but when there's an accident traffic backs up quickly.

I got up to run before work this morning, but once again it was thunderstorming. I'm going to try to run after work today. Hopefully the results will be better than yesterday.

May 24, 2004

Poor Little Puff

Puff had to get 4 shots this morning at his 6-month visit to the doctor. Of course he cried, but he calmed down pretty quickly afterwards. For some reason, he didn't get any band-aids this time; they just gave Jenny some gauze to press down on the "little wounds" until they stopped bleeding. Puff's next doctor's visit is at 9 months, thankfully he doesn't get any shots then. His next shots aren't until he's a year old.

I ran 14 miles yesterday morning and then 8 this morning. It's still warm and now more humid, at least for the next day or two. I hope my stomach (and by my stomach I mean my digestive system in general) adjusts to this weather. I never had any problems in the cold this winter, but ever since I did that tempo run in the heat a week ago it hasn't felt quite right. It's certainly nothing that will keep me from running, but it's just kind of annoying.

May 22, 2004

Hot Hot Heat

Today I ran 10 miles. There's a bike path I run on fairly often that starts not too far from my house, and that's where I ran today. The one drawback of it is (at least when you're running from 11 am to a little after noon) the fact that there's no shade. We've basically bypassed spring this year in VA, and gone right into the middle of summer. The high temperature for today is 87, and the highs for the next two days are 90 and 92.

When companies claim that their apparel "wicks moisture away from the body," I often wonder just whose body they're talking about. I ran in my Coolmax Hanson's shirt today, (which if you're planning to purchase they run big) and it wasn't much drier if at all than a cotton t-shirt. And if I run without a shirt in the summer, my shorts are as wet as a bathing suit after you get out of the pool. It's not that I mind getting sweaty, I'm skeptical about people who tout running in clothes made from these synthetic materials as being so much better for you.

Not Today

Well, I didn't run yesterday. I was still exhausted when I got home and just couldn't bring myself to get out there. Today will be different. I got a good night's rest and will be ready to go soon.

I know the race will be here before I know it. I can't afford to just take days off because I'm tired. I need to work hard to make sure I'm getting enough rest.

May 21, 2004

The Plan

The plan for tonight is to run when I get home. I didn't get to bead early enough last night to feel like I could double today. It's also my son's first half-birthday today, and we're going to my in-laws to celebrate.

Softball went well last night, even though we lost 8-7 in extra innings. I went 3 for 4 if you keep score in the normal baseball fashion, 4 for 4 if you keep score the way we do in softball. The other team scored the winning run tagging up from second base. The ball was thrown to third but got by the third baseman and the winning run scored.

I'm hoping to get in a fartlek workout tonight, something like 10x2 min on, 2 min off. I'll probably do it on the soccer fields at Chinn, as long as they're not all taken.

Speaking of getting to bed, I wonder if there's anything I can do to improve my sleep. I haven't been sleeping as well as I'd like for a while now. It's very rare for me to go the whole night without waking up at least once. I've turned the clock away from me so I can't see it if I wake up in the middle of the night and that's helped me go back to sleep more easily if I do wake up, but it certainly hasn't help solve the problem of my waking up in the middle of the night in the first place. Quality/amount of sleep does directly affect my running, and I'd really like to increase both.

May 20, 2004

We're talkin' softball...

No running today. I was exhausted yesterday after getting up early, running, not eating as much as I should have, and travelling. Plus, this morning I went to mass. Today is the Asencion. It used to be a holy day of obligation, but not any more.

If not for softball this evening, I could run when I got home, but that probably won't be until 9 or so. But after all the baseball I played as a kid, I don't think I could give up softball just yet.

Out of Town

I was in Allentown, PA yesterday on a business trip. I ran 10 miles in the morning, before I had to be ready to visit the RR Donnelly and Moore Wallace plants. Although I didn't think so at first, the area around the hotel really wasn't too bad for running. I started by running out to Airport Rd. and back, and then decided to try going the other way from the hotel. There was a nice little neighborhood there to run through.

The rest of the day I was just tired and hungry. Our hotel didn't have a free breakfast, but we had a breakfast scheduled at RR Donnelly. We were a few minutes late getting there because we missed a turn, and once we did get there the pressentation was ready to start. I managed to eat a little, but not enough. And when we're leaving, one of the people I was travelling with tells me I need to eat and I'm skinny because my metabolism is fast and just wait until I get older and it slows down. No, no, I'm sure the fact that I'm rail-thin has nothing to do with the fact that I run...

May 18, 2004


Ran 8 miles this AM. I went pretty slowly, recovering from yesterday's workout. My stomach still didn't feel quite right, and I think that had to do with why I didn't sleep too well last night. At least the AC is working and the hall light isn't on all night so the ceiling fan can run.

The weather is still warm and this morning was pretty humid. Of course I wish it was cooler, but hopefully this early onset of warm/humid weather will help me to race better in Charleston September 4.

Preparations are going well for the Distance Run. I just need to stay on top of things and make sure I get my workouts in and keep the mileage up.