September 27, 2004

Getting Back Into It

I ran yesterday for the first time since the half-marathon. I did 4 miles, along the bike path out and back. I felt some pain just below my right knee, which was rather surprising after two weeks off. I can't think of anything I did in those two weeks that would have caused it to hurt like it did. I iced it and took some ibuprofen, and today I'm going to run on the soccer fields in order to stay on soft surfaces.

Saturday I went to College Park because Maryland was hosting the Pre-ACC XC meet. There weren't many ACC teams there; besides Maryland the Clemson women and Miami men ran. Maryland won both the women's and men's race, but I'll be shocked if they do the same at the ACC Championships.

September 16, 2004

Half Marathon Report

The half-marathon did not quite go as planned, despite the fact that I ran a PR (of course I ran a PR, it was my first half-marathon). As is typical with my races, I went out too fast. I ran the first mile in 5:44, just about my 5k race pace. I slowed down for the next four miles or so and ran each of them at about 6:05 pace. That was still a bit fast, and I ended up running the last 8 miles or so of the race at more or less 6:45 pace. My watch did say I ran one mile in just over 7 minutes and the next mile in 5:51, but I think those mile markers were a bit off. I finished in 1:24:28, certainly a respectable time but not what I was hoping for.

I'm taking the next two weeks or so off, and then base building over the fall and winter. I hoping for a prolonged period of at least 80 miles a week, which should be a good start for the half-marathon and marathon I plan on next year.

September 09, 2004


I've been tapering for just under the past two weeks now for my half this Sunday. I'm anxious to run it and see how I do. It will be my longest race to date, and hopefully it will bode well for the marathon I plan to run next year. Originally, the plan was to run Pittsburgh, but that's out the window now that the marathon is dead. The new plan is to run a 20k (I can't remember the name of the race) Memorial Day weekend, and then run the Richmond Marathon in November.

I've begun to run in the afternoon now instead of the morning. If I go into work early, I can beat some of the traffic, and I'm more loose in the afternoon. I can actually sleep a little longer and get to work earlier. Plus, I can take Puff in the stroller and give my wife a break.

September 04, 2004

Cross Country Season

Fall is my favorite season, not only for the cooler temperatures and multi-colored leaves, but for cross country. Cross country has always been my favorite of the three running disciplines I participate in, evidenced by the fact that I participate in multiple cross country races each year. I'm especially looking forward to this fall because the Pre-ACC and ACC cross country meet are at the University of Maryland in College Park. I'll cheer for my alma mater, despite the fact that they're likely going to be finishing toward the bottom of the standings.

While I'm on the subject of races I'll be attending, hopefully next weekend I'll have a chance to meet Carrie Tollefson. She's the "guest speaker" (I'm not sure exactly what they're calling it) at a race in Maryland. Meeting an Olympic athlete will be a treat.


So I didn't run a PR. It was still a good effort. I was only 9 seconds off my track best, and 13 off my road best. As usual, I slowed a bit after the opening mile, but not as much this time as I have in the past. The weather cooperated, with the cloudiness keeping it cooler than it would have been with blue skies. It was still humid, though.

Given my tendency to go out a little fast, I know I'm going to have to make a very conscious effort to go out at the right pace in the half. I'm not quite planning to copy Deena's race plan, but I don't want the second half of the race to be a death march, either.

September 01, 2004


I now know what it must feel like to run in one of the Golden League meets. Well, not exactly, but there were some people in the stands for my workout yesterday.

I ran 8x400 with 30 seconds rest at the high school track yesterday. As I arrived, the football team was leaving the field, so I thought Good, I got here just at the right time. I started my workout, and people began to walk down into the stadium and sit in the bleachers. More and more people continued to arrive as I ran each interval. The band was practicing on a field adjacent to the track, and were apparently going to perform for the "fans" in the bleachers, who I assume were their parents and siblings. I kept expecting to be told to leave, but no one ever even said anything to me. I had finished my workout and was just leaving the track as the band marched down to the field.

The workout went very well. I ran most of the 400s in 78 seconds, with two in 77 and one in 76 seconds. This workout gives me some confidence going into my race Saturday, where hopefully I'll break my PR, which I set at this race last year but have since broken.

I wonder what the people in the bleachers were thinking as they watched me run. I'm also shocked that no one even mentioned that I should leave, given some of the stories I've read about getting kicked off the local track.