July 17, 2006

Feeling Good

I didn't sleep too well last night, so when I woke up this morning I didn't know quite how my run would feel. It turns out that I felt pretty good, other than some tight calves for the last two or three miles.

I ran 10 miles on the Parkway. Since everyone else seems to be talking about the weather, it was warm and humid as usual in July in Virginia. I definitely felt the need for some water over the last few miles. Tomorrow I'm planning on another fartlek workout.

I'm going to need new shoes soon and am really leaning toward trying training in flats. I'm light (140 lbs) and consider myself efficient. My big concern is switching from the Brooks Glycerin, my current training shoe, to something lighter, would be too big of a shock. Maybe I need to switch more gradually, go to a lightweight trainer first?

July 16, 2006

Wanted: Recovery

I don't know exactly what the deal is, but the day after both my workout and race this week I've felt terrible and because of that not run very much. Friday night I ran the Bastille Day 4-Miler in 26:10. It wasn't quite what I was hoping for, but all in all not a bad effort in temperatures and humidity near 90. As you can see from the splits--6:21, 6:25, 6:45, and 6:36--I definitely faded at the end. Overall, I was 29th out of I don't know how many since the results haven't been posted yet.

Saturday morning I went out to run a little after 10. I was just so tired that I only ended up running three miles. I got about eight hours sleep, so I don't think my problem is sleep related. If anything, I think it's food related. The race started at seven and afterwards I didn't eat anything until I got home about nine. I wonder if that gap has something to do with my tiredness. I've also had this nagging sensation in my stomach that hasn't gone away for a few days. I wouldn't call it pain, but I don't know what it is.

July 13, 2006


Last night I had a revelation regarding the construction that is going on around the crosswalk. I was so locked in to my normal route that I completely forgot I could cross at the prior light, where there is also a crosswalk.

This morning's run was eight miles on the path. As if it's not humid enough, the rain that fell last night made it even more humid. I felt a few drops while I was running, but nothing more fell. The legs were a little tired, but not too bad. I worked my calves and hamstrings last night with the foam roller, which seems to have helped. Tomorrow night I'm racing four miles; hopefully the heat and humidity won't be too oppressive.

July 12, 2006

Bad Run

Today's run was memorable for all of the wrong reasons. I was tired, sore, and just didn't plain feel good. I wanted to run eight to ten miles, but ended up with just five. When I woke up five minutes before my alarm went off this morning, I thought about going back to sleep and running in the evening. But with J's lacrosse game tonight, that wasn't a good option. So I got up and ran.

I ran on the bike path along the parkway, which isn't quite as nice as it usually is since there is some construction going on along the road it parallels. The worst part is that there is a jersey wall blocking the crosswalk, so I actually have to go down the road away from the path to cross and cross a six-lane road in the middle of the road. Luckily, there's not much traffic at 5 am. I felt bad the whole run, especially my stomach, and actually ended up walking a little. I think I'm coming down with a cold too. I'm going to try to get a good night's sleep tonight and I'll see how I feel tomorrow morning.

July 11, 2006

Speed Play

This morning I ran the fartlek workout that I mentioned yesterday. I warmed up just over two miles, and then ran 2 min on/2 min off until I had run seven miles total, and then cooled down a mile. I ended up running 9 repeats over the five miles. The plan for today was just to get the legs used to running a faster pace again.

The workout went all right. I think the biggest problem was that I ran the recoveries too slow. I was a little tired to begin with, but sometimes I felt like I was going so slow I might as well be walking during the recoveries. The other problem is that my watch no longer beeps. I set the timer to count down and repeat every two minutes, but instead of beeping the Indigo flashes when the timer gets to zero. I had to constantly look at my watch to see how much time I had left. The battery was recently replaced. Any suggestions?

July 10, 2006

Still Recovering

I definitely feel better than I did Saturday, but still not completely over my sickness. Saturday morning I woke up with a throbbing headache, my stomach didn't feel too good, and I was achy. I was going to run, but had changed my mind once J got back from her run. It's probably a good thing I changed my mind, since later in the day my temperature was up to 101. Sunday I felt better, but still took the day off. I did, however, cut the grass and do some weeding without any ill effects.

This morning I ran a little over seven miles in a just over an hour. It averages to more or less 8:30 pace overall, but I know I started out slow and picked up the pace as I went on because my last mile was about 7:30. While my fever is gone, my stomach still doesn't feel 100%. We'll see how it feels during the little fartlek workout I have planned for tomorrow.

July 04, 2006

What Not to Do

So usually I run a race on the Fourth of July. What else are holidays for, right? But not this year, and let me tell you this morning I was pretty bitter about it.

Last night I was cleaning up and getting ready to go up to bed when J's sister called and said she and a friend wanted to come over and borrow a movie. Despite the fact that I said I didn't care if they came over, I did care, and I ended up staying up late and skipping the race. I ran a little bit pushing B in the stroller this morning, but I was not into it at all, so I turned back early. Oh, and I may have been so mad at myself that I may not have only kicked myself but kicked a door frame and bruised my toe.

On one hand, I know I completely overreacted. But on the other hand if I could channel the energy from getting mad into my training, it would be great.

I've been getting back into training over the past few days, just doing a little easy mileage. Friday I ran four miles after the kids went to bed, Saturday I ran six miles, Sunday I ran a little under three, and Monday I ran five miles including a few strides over the last mile and a half.