July 14, 2008


I mentioned in my last post that I had started running again. That lasted until I got sick. I had a fever/cold and decided that the extra rest was a good idea. So I slept in rather than run. I'm feeling better, though not quite completely well, but well enough to be running again. The Olympic Trials really got me motivated, and I'm anxious to get out there seriously training again.

I've been thinking that maybe my left leg issues have come from poor posture on my commute. I've recently noticed that I really lean on my left leg when I'm waiting for or riding on the Metro, because my bag is on my right shoulder. I've consciously tried to be more stable and keep my weight balanced lately and I've also tried to make sure my core muscles are engaged while I'm running. We'll see if that makes a difference.

July 03, 2008

Numero Tres

I've been absent from blogging for a while, mainly since I hadn't been running. I've started running again, trying to build back up for a marathon next spring. I've been taking it very easily. The longest I've run in my comeback is 16:53.

But on to something more important than the running. On Fruday, June 13, J and I became parents for the third time with the birth of N. He and mommy are doing very well.