September 20, 2008


I read a quote recently that said only 2% of running is glamorous. My running certainly fit into the 98% this week.

After not running Sunday (I was pretty much just lazy), I ran a little more than a half hour Monday morning. I would have liked to do more, but staying up late Sunday night watching the Steelers-Browns game did not make it easy to get out of bed Monday morning. Tuesday I ran an uneventful six miles. Wednesday and Thursday I ran six miles as well, but some stomach issues didn't make those runs too much fun. I didn't get much sleep Thursday night either, and Friday's run was just an easy half hour.

This morning's run went well, though I still wouldn't call it glamorous. I was up at 5 am to get it in. The weather was great, probably about 50 degrees with no breeze. I ran seven miles, and actually felt pretty good for the first time in a little while.

The leg is feeling pretty good these days. I think what's going on is piriformis syndrome. I was doing a little research on it, and actually not stretching it helps. Massage and stretching/strengthening the hamstrings is the recommended treatment.

September 13, 2008

Part Time

I finally thought that I was back to running full time, but then I got sick. I was up to five or six miles a day, but then I came down with this headache/stomachache/bodyache thing and I made the prudent choice that rest was better than running. I only missed three days, but it felt like more. I was feeling better yesterday, so I decided I would run this morning. I ran five miles, but did not feel too good doing so. It didn't feel like the sickness, I just felt kind of tired.