June 01, 2005

Peyton Jordan

J and I were up late Monday night flipping through the TV channel when we came across the Peyton Jordan meet at Stanford. I had meant to tape the coverage, but then forgot it was even on. The men's steeplechase, with all of three athletes in the field, was about to start. Now I can understand some athletes dropping out and having a small field, but what I found amusing was Larry Rawson's comment about the one Kenyan who still might show up. The three athletes are on the track, seconds away from the start, and someone might still show up? That would be a sight. Imagine him running on to the track, arms waving, shouting, "Hey! Wait for me!"

My running's been up and down this week. Sunday I did 11 miles, but Monday I felt very tired an only managed six. Tuesday I did 8 miles, and then today I didn't run. I'm hoping that once J's family leaves, my schedule can get back to normal.

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