August 22, 2005

The Weekend

I had every intention of running this weekend. I was going to get up Saturday morning and run about 7 miles. However, that was before B decided that he didn't want to sleep Friday night. As far as I can tell, the problem was that his grandfather was holding him and he slept from about 7-9:30 pm, and that screwed up his routine. He didn't want to go to sleep, and when he did it was only for an hour or so at a time. Due to my lack of sleep, I felt in no shape to get out the door for a run.

Sunday I was just lazy. Sunday is the only day that I plan to run in the afternoon--it's easier because I don't have to worry about being back in time to get myself and the kids ready for church Sunday morning. Yesterday afternoon was sunny and not terribly warm, but I didn't run.

B's sleep misadventures continued last night, although not as badly as Friday, and after hitting the snooze button twice I decided to bag today's run. The worst part about missing today's run is the cooler temperatures have returned. At least they'll be around for a few more days.

I'm disconcerted that just a few days ago I was upbeat about my running, and now I'm kind of down because I've missed four days. I know things will get better as B gets older, but I also feel like I need to toughen up. Sure, they'll be days when I'm better off sleeping in. But there's also days when I just need to get up and go. With two kids, I can't expect life to happen exactly the way I want it to.

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