August 23, 2006

Happy Birthday to Me!

Today I'm 26 years young. I say young because of all the audible sighs from everyone at work when I mentioned my age. I don't have any big plans for tonight, just a nice evening with J and the kids.

I've have better weeks of running. To end last week, I met some friends at Burke Lake Park on Sunday morning for a run. Most of the group just did one lap, but Jimmy and I tacked on a second, giving me nine miles for the day and 60 for the week. Monday morning I ran ten miles. I think there were some effects from giving blood; I didn't feel bad, but once I checked my watch I discovered I was running slower than I thought my effort level indicated. The last two nights have been nights of little sleep, and thus I didn't run yesterday morning or this morning. Yesterday I didn't even get out of bed before resetting my alarm, but today I got as far a getting dressed to run and making my way to the stairs before the tiredness got the best of me and I went back to bed.


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! Geez, you're just a kid! Donating blood definitely takes a toll, all those red blood cells you've been accumulating are just sucked out of you (well, some of them anyway).

I set the automatic coffee maker to start brewing, it takes more effort to get up, empty it out and go back to bed than it does to get up and run.

Anonymous said...

happy 26th to you-and me! We have the same birthday :) Congrats on your husband/wife win the other day!

Anonymous said...

Mike-I set the coffeemaker, but I set it so it turns on a few minutes before I leave for work. I put the coffee in a thermos and take it with me. Maybe some coffee in the morning before I run would help, though.

Thanks Audrey!

Anonymous said...

happy belated birthday!