January 10, 2007


First, a little synopsis of my last three days of running:

M: 7 miles
T: 4 miles
W: 7 miles

I don't have anything terribly exciting to report about the runs. I'm just trying to work on getting the mileage up and am keeping the runs easy. The hip flexor was pretty tight Monday, not quite so bad Tuesday, and best of all today. Winter weather has finally arrived, at least for a few days.

I was hoping that Tuesday's run would have been a little longer, but Monday night b picked up some kind of stomach bug--there's been one going around his playgroup buddies, although it might have been something he ate--and got sick three times. Remarkably, he slept through all of them. The first time he made a little noise, but the second and third times he got sick J and I only found out because we went into his room to check on him. Thankfully it seems it was only a 12-hour or so bug, and he's feeling much better now.

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