March 17, 2007

The Weather's Terrible; You'll Wish you Weren't Here

Yesterday's weather was just awful. A cold rain lasted almost all day until six or seven in the evening, when it started to snow. I didn't run yesterday; besides the weather I was so tired when I got home from work that if not for the kids I might have gone right to sleep for the night. There's a dusting of snow on the ground this morning that shouldn't stay around long.

Thursday I ran on the in-laws' treadmill. One of the benefits of living close to them is that I can go over and use the treadmill if I want. The sky was cloudy and there was some lightning and thunder around, so I wasn't going to take the kids out in the stroller.

Wednesday I got out for only three miles in the evening. I hadn't eaten anything all morning, and I was questioning if I wanted to run or eat after that. J suggested that I eat and work on painting the trim outside, so I ate and did that. I didn't get a chance to paint much before J had to leave for lacrosse. I was kind of cranky from being hungry and I had a headache from my lack of caffeine and just did not get out the door until I had to or not run at all.


A said...

Thanks for sharing...makes me realize I'm not the only runner who has days like that.

Anonymous said...

Keep your chin up! Better weather is on the way.

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