February 24, 2010

Day Off

When my alarm went off this morning, I felt really tired. It was likely due to the workout yesterday coupled with staying up later than I would have like last night. I hit the snooze button a few times and still felt tired, so I reset my alarm and went back to sleep.

Yesterday's workout went well. I couldn't have asked for better conditions. It was in the upper 30s and since it didn't get below freezing overnight I didn't have to worry much about ice. The workout was simple: run one particular loop, pushing the pace on the hills. There are two hills on this loop, one that is shorter and steeper and one that is more gradual but longer, that made the loop good for this workout. I was happy with the how the workout went. I was able to pick up the pace on the hills without feeling too bad.

Monday's run was easy, tomorrow's will be easy, and maybe a tempo on Friday.

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