July 30, 2004

Work, Work, Work

I have been so busy this week. I was supposed to get a new partner this week, and she's sitting in the desk next to me, but she's still doing her old job. The second phase of our reorg started Monday, and her old job was supposed to be eliminated. However, the new procedures have not begun yet, and she still has to do her old job. Add that to the fact that I was out of the office most of Thursday morning, and I had a busy week.

My running's gone well. I did 70.5 miles last week, my highest week this year. I skipped my second run Friday because I was exhausted, but otherwise it was a good week. This week I'll probably end up at a little over or under 60 miles, depending on today's run.

I'm looking forward to the half-marathon, especially with the good workouts I've had recently. My next race is next weekend when my wife, Puff, and I go back to see my family in Pittsburgh. It's an 8k XC race, and I'm anxious to see how I do.

July 22, 2004

A Little Fartlek

I did 10 miles on the bike path today, with 10 x 2 min. on, 2 min. off. It was warmer and more humid this morning, so I was thoroughly soaked by the time I made it home. The workout went pretty well; I didn't go too fast on the first few "on" sections, but the last six or seven were run at a good clip.

I learned this morning that it's hard to set my watch in the dark. I thought the timer was already set for two minutes, but it was actually still set at five minutes from the last time I used it. I hardly ever set anything on my watch, so I'm not completely familiar with the buttons I need to push. Add that to the fact that it was still dark while I was trying to set my watch, and maybe you'll understand why it took me about five minutes to do that should take 30 seconds.

Yesterday I did an easy nine miles. I was pretty tired, and I ran about 9 minute pace.

So far this week I've run 55.5 miles. Assuming I run what I'm planning on for the next two days, I'll end up with 76.5 miles for the week, my highest week for the year.

July 20, 2004

Today's Workout

This morning I went to the track to run intervals. The workout was 4x1200 meters, with one lap recovery. Based on my tempo run last week, I was hoping to run the intervals in 4:45 apiece. It was cool and not too humid; overall, a nice morning for a workout. Plus, I actually got a decent amount of sleep last night.

I warmed up for half an hour and then began my workout. I ran the first 1200 in 4:38 and was pleasantly surprised. My effort felt approximately the same as my tempo run even though I was running a couple seconds per lap faster.

I ran the next two 1200s in 4:29 and 4:28 respectively. On the last one, I decided to run hard and aim for 4:20. To pleasantly surprise myself even more, I ran the last 1200 in 4:11. Going into this workout I was prepared for it to go badly, since I ran 16.5 miles Sunday and 10 yesterday, but what happened was exactly the opposite. I cooled down and finished the morning with 10 miles.

July 19, 2004

Catching Up, Again

I know I haven't posted much lately, I've been very busy at work and then just relaxed when I wasn't running this weekend.

I'll start with Wednesday. My run was uneventful. I had a late night Tuesday and kind of slogged through 7 tired miles. It didn't feel too slow while I was running, but I was surprised to have been running about 9 minute pace when I got home.

Thursday I did a tempo run. I found a track that I don't have to climb over a fence to get too. I warmed up with a little under 4 miles, and then ran 5000 meters on the track at approximately tempo pace. It was a little slower than I would have liked, but I don't expect too much at 5:30 in the morning. I finished the 5000 in 20:26 nad then cooled down 2 miles or so home.

I had another late night Thursday (we got kicked off our first softball field, so we had to find another field and the game got started late). I did 5 miles in the morning before work and was planning on a few more in the afternoon, but when I got home I was so exhausted I called it a day.

Saturday morning I was planning on doing 10 miles. It was not a pleasant experience. My stomach bothered me the entire way, and I walked the last two and a half miles home. I made it to the halfway point and turned around and only made it a little more than a mile until I had to stop and walk. I ran again in a few minutes, but only made it a few minutes before I said "Screw it" and walked the rest of the way home.

I felt better Sunday and had a great long run. I ended up running 16.5 miles. I picked up the pace for portions of the run and near the end (about 13.5 miles in) I ran a 1600 on the track in 6:26. I've read about KK finishing his long runs with a hard mile or two on the track and though it would be good to try.

This morning I did 6 easy miles. I'm going to run a few more when I get home.

July 14, 2004

My Pgh. Trip

I had a very good time on my trip back home. It was nice to be able to relax for a few days. I only have two complaints: the sofa bed and brothers who stay up all night. The sofa bed, while new, was still a sofa bed and therefore uncomfortable. And it didn't help that my brothers were up and about making noise while I was trying to sleep.

My running went very well while I was in Pgh. I did the vast majority of it on a trail that's about a half mile from my house. Part of the trail is a crushed limestone (I think) and the rest is asphalt. Saturday I did 10 miles, picking up the pace at the end.

Sunday I "ran into" a friend from high school while I was running. He's a year younger than me and is entering his fifth year of college. He redshirted his freshman year of cross and he has one more season left this fall. He's out of eligibility for track. I was about three miles into my run when I saw him and we ran the next two and half miles together before he went on and I turned around. It was nice to have a running partner for a little while.

Monday I ran 16 in the rain. Thankfully it wasn't raining the whole time, just for the last three miles or so. Anyway, I was already soaked to begin with since it had rained earlier and was very humid, so the rain didn't feel too bad. The 16 miles took just over two hours. I finished with my fastest mile of the run, 7:03 I believe. I was trying to run sub-7, but couldn't quite do it.

Tuesday I took it very easy and ran 6 miles at around 9 minute pace. I was pretty stiff when I started but loosened up as I went on and felt like I could have run a bit more. I did want to be home in enough time to get ready to leave though; my wife had a lacrosse game in the evening back in VA.

July 09, 2004

Another Long Weekend

I'm going "home" this weekend. My former home, that is. I'm going to visit my parents and brothers in Pittsburgh. I'm staying until Tuesday, so that makes two long weekends in a row. I'm looking forward to seeing the house--my parents had some remodeling done--and getting some rest.

I had another good week of training. I got my long run in Sunday with a good race/workout in the middle. Monday I ran 8 easy miles in the sweltering heat and humidity. I don't think 10 or 11 am is the best time to go for a run in July. Normally I'd run a workout Tuesday, but I was still feeling a little sore, so I pushed the workout back to Wednesday. Tuesday I just did an easy 10 miles.

My workout Wednesday went well. I warmed up to the soccer fields and then ran 4x5 min. around the middle field. I did a little more than three and a half laps per repeat, and I was pleased that on each repeat I ran a little further than the last. The only downside to the workout was the grass was soaking wet and my shoes and socks got wet.

Thursday I ran an easy 8 miles. Normally I'd double today but after softball last night I was up late packing and I decided to sleep in so I wouldn't be falling asleep on the drive this afternoon. I may run when I get to Pittsburgh, but I doubt it.

July 06, 2004

My 4th of July Race

I ran the Go Fourth 8k race this 4th of July, for the third year in a row. I was running it as part of my long run. I left a little later in the morning than I wanted, but I still arrived with ample time before the race. I ran the course to warm up and was drenched. It was very humid this year. The race itself went pretty well. Only the first (and last, the course is out and back) mile is marked, and I went out in 6:11, with two women right next to me. Over the next 1.5 miles to the turnaround I pulled away from the women and hit halfway in 15:37. The second half of the race is slightly easier than the first, because all the small uphills are now downhills. I ran a slight negative split on the way back, also running the last mile in 6:11 to finish in 31:09. Overall I'm pleased with the outcome even though I ran 20 seconds slower this year than I did last year. I know I didn't run my highest mileage of the year the week before the race last year, and this year's race was more of a workout. I was pretty tired after the race, but managed a four mile cool down to give me 14 miles for the day.

July 03, 2004


I don't know exactly what the cause is, but I'm having another Saturday where I woke up and just felt like I hadn't slept at all. I went to be about 11 last night and woke up just after 7, so I got a decent amount of sleep. Maybe it does have something to do with my body's rhythms and not getting up about 5 AM like I do during the week.

I was going to run 8-10 miles this morning, but since I felt so tired I only did 6. That gives me 68 for the week, which I think is my highest week so far this year.

It's going to be hot for my race tomorrow. Today's high is 90, tomorrow's is "only" 86, and then up to 94 Monday. The humidity is also back in full force, as usual for Virginia in July.

July 02, 2004

Running and Painting

Our softball game last night did not go as planned. We lost 20-4. Oh well, it is just for fun.

My running has been much better though. I did 8 miles after work Wednesday, and 10 miles before work Thursday. This morning I did 5, and I'm planning on another 6 or 7 after work. I'm going to do my best to continue this schedule until two weeks out from the half-marathon, taper, and run sub 1:18.

I'm running an 8k race Sunday the 4th. Since I typically do my long run Sunday, I'm going to fit the race in there. I figure I can do either a long warmup or long cool down, but I think I'd be more likely to cut the long cool down short, so I'm leaning toward the long warmup.

When I'm not running this weekend I'll most likely be painting. My wife's aunt "The Decorator" is visiting this week and whenever she visits she has some kind of project to work on. Right now she's helping my in-laws redo their family room, but my wife also asked her some questions about our house. I told my wife that I wanted to be involved, so she said, "Fine. You can paint."