July 02, 2004

Running and Painting

Our softball game last night did not go as planned. We lost 20-4. Oh well, it is just for fun.

My running has been much better though. I did 8 miles after work Wednesday, and 10 miles before work Thursday. This morning I did 5, and I'm planning on another 6 or 7 after work. I'm going to do my best to continue this schedule until two weeks out from the half-marathon, taper, and run sub 1:18.

I'm running an 8k race Sunday the 4th. Since I typically do my long run Sunday, I'm going to fit the race in there. I figure I can do either a long warmup or long cool down, but I think I'd be more likely to cut the long cool down short, so I'm leaning toward the long warmup.

When I'm not running this weekend I'll most likely be painting. My wife's aunt "The Decorator" is visiting this week and whenever she visits she has some kind of project to work on. Right now she's helping my in-laws redo their family room, but my wife also asked her some questions about our house. I told my wife that I wanted to be involved, so she said, "Fine. You can paint."

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