Today I turn 25. This evening, I plan on as much partying as two small children and my half-awake state will allow.
I did run this morning. I ran six miles, out and back along the Parkway. I was tired, but the run went pretty well. The weather was great (64 degrees according to the sign at the stadium I ran past). The one thing I don't understand is why I felt like I was running faster than my time indicated. Does lack of sleep really have that big an effect?
Yup, sleep or lack of sleep can hav a HUGE impact.
Happy Birthday!
It seems, then, that you and Audrey ( were born on the exact same day.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!!! For some reason I thought you were older than 25.
I wouldn't worry about the 4 days off. It's like having an injury and taking some time off - similar to a mini-taper. Just try not to let it turn into 4 weeks off.
Thanks everyone!
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