August 04, 2004

Attempted Tempo Run

My new shoes did arrive yesterday, but I didn't run when I got home. I was lazy and played with Puff. I wanted to do the tempo run this morning, and I tried. I just didn't get close to the pace I should have been running.

I ran out the bike path to warm up, and started the tempo part of my run when I got to the 11k mark. I ran to the 8k mark, turned around, and ran back to 11k. I was hoping to run it in about 24-25 minutes, but it took me over 28 minutes. It is a rolling loop, most of each k is either up or down (down, up, down on the way out and the opposite on the way back), but I just didn't have it this morning. I didn't feel all that great either; something I ate last night upset my stomach. I thought it would be gone when I got up this morning, but it was with me until about lunchtime.

On the plus side of things, I did read something inspiring on the message board at There's a thread about working full time and running high mileage, and when asked if it was worth it, one of the posters replied "Yes! It absolutely was worth it, even though I was never more than a passably decent local road runner. The thing was, I wanted to know what would happen if I did what guys like Clarke and Lindgren did." That pretty much sums up the way I feel. Now I just need to get out there and do it.

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