November 28, 2007

Baby Steps

After two weeks off, my hamstring didn't really feel much different than it did after the marathon. Massage seemed to be helping a little, but not drastically. I decided to try running and some strengthening exercises and see what happened.

The past two mornings I ran for twenty minutes. The hamstring felt tight at the beginning, but loosened up during the run. Afterwards, I came back, did the strengthening exercises, stretched, and iced. My big concern is not how it feels while running, but after I get ready for work and sit in the car for about an hour, it's tight when I get up. I'm going to continue with the plan for a few more days and see how it goes, and maybe massage the hamstring with the stick instead of icing and see if that makes a difference. I'm anxious to get back to training, but I want to be careful not to rush anything.

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