January 05, 2008

Question & Answer

I've been running for about a month since the DNF in Richmond. Even after about two weeks off my leg didn't feel completely better; I was just anxious to start running again and I was hoping that it would miraculously feel better. This morning I ran five miles and my leg still felt tight. I still feel it even after I'm done running, especially when I've been sitting down for a while.

Last night and this morning I was asking myself if it would just be better to take some more time off and see if I can heal. I'm running, but I'm worried about increasing mileage and speed. I don't want to make this worse than it has to be.

So after some thought I've decided I should take some time off. In the long run, this is a good decision. Taking a week or two or three now is better than a month or two or three later on.

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