September 13, 2006


I tend to be a little bitter when I don't run in the morning. After a late night last night, I reset my alarm when it went off. I'm going to run tonight, either when I get home or after the kids go to bed, because I promised myself that I'd be consistent in these last two months before the marathon.

Yesterday I ran 10 miles. I might have done another mile or two, but as I was getting close to home, the stomach issues intensified so I just finished with 10. The big news of yesterday was that it was Puff's (who will now be referred to as j, because we don't call him Puff anymore and really haven't for a while) first day of preschool. He had a great time and had no trouble as his mommy, daddy, and little brother left.

On the schedule tonight is some track work, 4 or 5 by 2k at marathon pace.

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