December 27, 2004

Merry Christmas!

I had a pretty good Christmas. My wife, Puff, and I spent the day at her family's. Her grandmother, grandfather, and great aunt are in town for the holidays. Their Christmas celebration is a little different than my family's. We would go to Mass Christmas Eve, and then on Christmas we would open present in the morning and then basically lounge around the rest of the day. My wife's family goes to Mass Christmas day, has brunch, and then spends the rest of the day opening presents. I would have liked some time by myself to just relax and possibly take a nap. I did get up early to run. It was also a long day because we had to make sure Puff wasn't getting into things he wasn't supposed to be getting into. Where we can more or less let him roam around our house, the same can't be said about my in-laws' house.

As far as running-related gifts go, I got a fuel belt, a training log, Gu, a water bottle, a light for running in the dark, a Metro Run & Walk calendar and pen, and a copy of the latest issue of Track and Field News.

After sleeping in and running around lunchtime Christmas eve, I got up early Christmas day and the day after. I ran 6 miles Christmas Eve, 10 Christmas day, and then 15 the day after. I has a good finish to last week as well as a good beginning to this one.

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