December 07, 2004

Training Partner

I've wanted to find someone to run with for a while now. I'm not looking for an everyday training partner, although that wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, but someone to run with maybe 2-3 times a week. I think it would help most when my motivation is waning and I'm having a little trouble getting myself out the door. I managed to contact someone through of all places the message board.

My possible training partner works at one of the local running stores, so I dropped by to see if he was working Saturday. It turns out he's the guy I see fairly often running in my neighborhood. He's built like me, tall and skinny, and has short hair, so my wife refers to him as my running twin. He's a nice guy, but he's running a marathon in a few weeks, so our schedules don't really match up right now. After his marathon, he's considering retiring and getting a real job. It figures, I find someone to possibly trtain with and his "career" might be almost over.

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