July 31, 2007

The Best Things in Life are Free

J's been using Freecycle for a couple months now. It's a good way to get rid of things that are still in good shape that we don't need any more. We've also picked up a few things from other people. It works kind of like eBay, except that everything listed is free and items are given away on a first come first serve basis. Most of the time items are small, but occasionally big ticket items are listed. Today, J called to tell me that she got a free treadmill. I'm happy.

This morning I ran my first workout of marathon training. I intended it to be just a tempo run, but it ended up being a progression run. I ran three miles to warm up, drank some Gatorade, and then started my workout. I ran it on the road by my house. It's a half mile to the end of the road, so to the end and back is a mile. The five miles of the workout went by in 7:35, 7:23, 7:18, 6:56, and 6:36. I started off slow, but finished up well. It would have been interesting to see what happened to my heart rate as the workout progressed; did it go up or did it stay fairly consistent. Unfortunately I don't own a HRM, but I did ask for one for my birthday, which is only about three weeks away. I'm happy with the workout, though I would have liked to be a little more consistent.

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