May 27, 2004


I ran 8 miles after work last night, plus some strides. It was cloudy and looked like rain, but it held off until after my run. The clouds actually kept the temperature down, so it wasn't quite as hot as it has been. I'm looking forward to this weekend, when it's only supposed to be in the 70s.

My wife coaches lacrosse and then tutors on Wednesday night, so we end up having a late dinner. We were going to have chicken, rice, and broccoli, but that didn't work out. She wanted to prepare what she could in advance, but she had to pick her sister up from school because she was sick and she didn't get a chance. She was so stressed because she didn't get stuff done that she didn't want to cook after tutoring, so we just ordered pizza. At that point, I really didn't care what we ate for dinner I was so hungry.

I did 7 miles this morning before work, and I may get in a few more after work with some coworkers. We also have a softball game tonight, but there's some time between when I get off work and game time. My coworkers ran before the game last week and I'm assuming they're going to run this week as well. This is all dependent on us actually having the game, of course, which is kind of up in the air. There's still a chance of rain this afternoon, and we play on the mall, which a lot of is taken up by preparation for the dedication of the WWII memorial this weekend.

I'm not looking forward to the rest of work today. We're in the pilot phase of testing a system for ordering printing online, and I have to go visit the agency that's testing the system today. The system's non-user-friendliness and the inability of the agency to write correct specifications in the first place does not make for much fun.

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