January 05, 2006

Out of my Comfort Zone

After not running on Tuesday, I realized that if I want to reach my goals, it's not going to be easy. I can't expect everything to fall into place exactly as I would like. I'm going to have to make the most of my situation as is. I think too often in the past I used the lack of optimal conditions as an excuse. With two kids, a wife, and a job, I'm never going to have optimal conditions. But that doesn't mean that I can't reach my goals.

Wednesday morning I ran seven miles. I was tired as I started, but as usual I woke up as the run went on. About lunchtime Wednesday, J called to tell me she didn't feel well. When I got home, she was lying on the couch and didn't want to move. She rested, and I took care of the kids. Luckily, both were very good. I didn't run this morning and went in late to work to make sure J was OK this morning. I didn't think it would be a good idea for me to be gone running and Puff in our bedroom telling J, "Mommy wake up now" and climbing on her when she felt terrible. She is feeling much better today, thankfully.


Anonymous said...

I give you kudos Brian: you get in SOME running even with all that family and work stuff going on! We live in the same neighborhood, and by the time I commute, work, and take care of the homelife I barely have enough juice to sit on the couch... as my waistline indicates.

Keep running man!

Anonymous said...

Wise choice Brian, it's hard when your spouse is sick, hope she keeps feeling better. Sounds like you followed up with some good runs.

Anonymous said...

Good job taking care of the important stuff. I hope the morning runs work out better, they do for me for sure.